Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well, all looks okay according to the doc. The MRIs didn't show any abnormalities in my brain, neck or back and he EMG showed only showed minor nerve damage from my back to my leg (assuming right). So, with that being said, the doc is putting me on some drug for "irritated nerves." Yep, that's right, my nerves are irritated. I guess I could have told him that but I guess I mean it in a totally different meaning than he does!!! Anyway, he also wants me to see a physical therapist but I am not so up on that one. I really don't understand the reasoning behind it. He said it was to help show me how to move the right way or do things the right way. Maybe stretch the right way? I don't really know. I'll ask again when I go again in two weeks. I have to admit I was REALLY happy that there wasn't anything major but I hate that there isn't more to go on. I have heard this crap for four years now and it is the same song and dance. Maybe the meds will help, we shall see. But, that is it for now....I must feed my kids and get ready for my second interview tomorrow! I am super excited!!! I'll update you guys on that too.

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