Friday, March 12, 2010


Well, the EMG went well, but the after effect are suckin' big time. For some reason my legs are killing me! But, all in all, it was fine. The doctor was there to perform the test on my muscles and the good news is that they are fine. So, at least we have narrowed the problem to my nerves which is not surprising at all. I am not sure what the electrical portion of the test showed, if anything, but the doctor wants to wait until he gets the results of the MRIs and go from there. He suspects it is either in my brain or spinal cord (whatever IT is) or all this has been caused by a virus that attacked my nervous system. So...again it is a wait and see but we are getting further than ever before and that makes me feel so much better. So ~ off with the family for the weekend to do some fishing, see a great friend, and RELAX! XOXO

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